Tarleton Engineering Camp
Family Day
By Vice Pres. Eli Wade
If you read the last article, you know we did trash to rockets which was really fun
to see them launch. This meeting we actually built rockets, and the next article will be
about launching them. This was Family Day, so that means that some of our family
came and helped us build our rockets. The first part was Mr. Gentner talking about
Engineering Camp at Tarleton where we go there and do fun stuff. Then we got our kit
to build our rockets, and let me say there were a lot of pieces and a lot of messes from
the super glue. The kit gave us a body, the cone, and a fin piece, a parachute, a launch
rod (pretty much a straw), and a string for the parachute and they also gave us a cone.
Some people had problems with not having pieces, but somehow they had enough
parts left over. The building process was not at all hard and was pretty simple. This
meeting wasn’t really a learning one I think, but I actually learned something. The thing I
learned was that fins can do all sorts of things like making the rocket go straight or it can
turn and can even make it go higher some of the time. This was a great time at Science
Club, and we all had fun with our friends and family. If you want to know about what we
do in our Science Club go to hicoscience.com.
If you read the last article, you know we did trash to rockets which was really fun
to see them launch. This meeting we actually built rockets, and the next article will be
about launching them. This was Family Day, so that means that some of our family
came and helped us build our rockets. The first part was Mr. Gentner talking about
Engineering Camp at Tarleton where we go there and do fun stuff. Then we got our kit
to build our rockets, and let me say there were a lot of pieces and a lot of messes from
the super glue. The kit gave us a body, the cone, and a fin piece, a parachute, a launch
rod (pretty much a straw), and a string for the parachute and they also gave us a cone.
Some people had problems with not having pieces, but somehow they had enough
parts left over. The building process was not at all hard and was pretty simple. This
meeting wasn’t really a learning one I think, but I actually learned something. The thing I
learned was that fins can do all sorts of things like making the rocket go straight or it can
turn and can even make it go higher some of the time. This was a great time at Science
Club, and we all had fun with our friends and family. If you want to know about what we
do in our Science Club go to hicoscience.com.
Tarleton Physics Day!
Science Club Six: Physics
Eli Wade, Vice President
If you have not read the last article, we learned about germs at our last meeting, but this time
we looked at physics and other things that are very cool! The first thing we did was ask Dr.
Marble from Tarelton questions like…“Can you time travel?” and “Can you go the speed of
light?”. There were a lot of stations that we got to experience, but the first one was the best! The
first thing we did was the liquid nitrogen depth charge, and in this experiment there was a trash
can with water and plastic balls. They filled up a plastic soda bottle with the liquid nitrogen and
closed the lid and dropped it in. The balls and water went flying, and we even got to keep one.
Next we broke up into small groups to do different experiments at five stations. The first one was
where they poured liquid nitrogen into a pan. We got to see how if you stick a balloon in it, they
would shrink, but when you took it out, it would regrow. Next, we did a hoverboard where they
put a leaf blower in a spot where it would blow up a tarp like object and the tarp had a hole so it
would hover and they pulled us around on a rope and flung us around. For the next station, we
had an electrostatic generator where someone would put their hands on a bowl looking thing
and then we would touch someone and they would get shocked. Another station was the
singing bowls that sounded so weird. To make the bowls sing, they took the bowls and put water
on the rim and took their finger rubbing the rim all the way around, and it would create a high
pitch noise. The final station was magnets in a pipe, and to do this they took a copper tube and
dropped a magnet down it. The magnets could go fast or slow while going down. We want to
give a big thank you to the Tarleton Physics Team and Dr. Marble. We also want to give a big
thanks to Ms. Lewis and Hico Rocket Club helpers. If you are interested in learning more about
the 5th grade Science Club go to Hicescience.com.
Eli Wade, Vice President
If you have not read the last article, we learned about germs at our last meeting, but this time
we looked at physics and other things that are very cool! The first thing we did was ask Dr.
Marble from Tarelton questions like…“Can you time travel?” and “Can you go the speed of
light?”. There were a lot of stations that we got to experience, but the first one was the best! The
first thing we did was the liquid nitrogen depth charge, and in this experiment there was a trash
can with water and plastic balls. They filled up a plastic soda bottle with the liquid nitrogen and
closed the lid and dropped it in. The balls and water went flying, and we even got to keep one.
Next we broke up into small groups to do different experiments at five stations. The first one was
where they poured liquid nitrogen into a pan. We got to see how if you stick a balloon in it, they
would shrink, but when you took it out, it would regrow. Next, we did a hoverboard where they
put a leaf blower in a spot where it would blow up a tarp like object and the tarp had a hole so it
would hover and they pulled us around on a rope and flung us around. For the next station, we
had an electrostatic generator where someone would put their hands on a bowl looking thing
and then we would touch someone and they would get shocked. Another station was the
singing bowls that sounded so weird. To make the bowls sing, they took the bowls and put water
on the rim and took their finger rubbing the rim all the way around, and it would create a high
pitch noise. The final station was magnets in a pipe, and to do this they took a copper tube and
dropped a magnet down it. The magnets could go fast or slow while going down. We want to
give a big thank you to the Tarleton Physics Team and Dr. Marble. We also want to give a big
thanks to Ms. Lewis and Hico Rocket Club helpers. If you are interested in learning more about
the 5th grade Science Club go to Hicescience.com.
Schreiber Foods Presents Bacteria Day!
Hico Science Club
By Fenix McAnally
Fifth grade
Bacteria Day
For our science project a few weeks ago we did a germ
swab to see how clean our school is. Mr.Gentner told us
we would get some swabs and then go anywhere around
the school and swab it. But the first thing we did was talk
about what germs and bacteria are. Bacteria and germs
are pretty alike however germs can get you sick, although
some bacteria can fight off the sickness you have. After
we got done talking about the germs Mr.Gentner took a
wet wipe and cleaned our kidney table and he swabbed it.
Finally we got to start swabbing and Me president Fenix
Mcanally I swabbed a Pre-K cubby. After we finished and
everyone swabbed something Mr.Gentner swabbed the
kidney table again because he was smart and because we
lean on the table and our hands are full of germs he
swabbed it again to see how well he cleaned the table the
first time. A few weeks passed and finally we got to see
what bacterial growth happened and you wouldn't believe
how dirty all of the swabs were! But then we took a look at
the kidney table bacteria and I was so surprised because
the wet wipe swab had nearly no bacterial growth, but the
second swab was dirty but we also put glow germ on our
hands to test how dirty they were and let me say some of
our hands were really dirty but after we washed our hands
and they were super clean!
By Fenix McAnally
Fifth grade
Bacteria Day
For our science project a few weeks ago we did a germ
swab to see how clean our school is. Mr.Gentner told us
we would get some swabs and then go anywhere around
the school and swab it. But the first thing we did was talk
about what germs and bacteria are. Bacteria and germs
are pretty alike however germs can get you sick, although
some bacteria can fight off the sickness you have. After
we got done talking about the germs Mr.Gentner took a
wet wipe and cleaned our kidney table and he swabbed it.
Finally we got to start swabbing and Me president Fenix
Mcanally I swabbed a Pre-K cubby. After we finished and
everyone swabbed something Mr.Gentner swabbed the
kidney table again because he was smart and because we
lean on the table and our hands are full of germs he
swabbed it again to see how well he cleaned the table the
first time. A few weeks passed and finally we got to see
what bacterial growth happened and you wouldn't believe
how dirty all of the swabs were! But then we took a look at
the kidney table bacteria and I was so surprised because
the wet wipe swab had nearly no bacterial growth, but the
second swab was dirty but we also put glow germ on our
hands to test how dirty they were and let me say some of
our hands were really dirty but after we washed our hands
and they were super clean!
Science Club Meeting For Multimeters
By Vice President Eli Wade
As you probably already know, the fifth graders at Hico Elementary School have a
science club where we have done an egg launch and built bristle bots. This time we
experimented with multimeters and saw how a nine volt battery loses energy when powering a
light bulb, fan, and buzzer. At the start we figured out that nine volt batteries start off with 9.80 to
9.70 volts in them. The longer we had the light bulb, fan, and buzzer on the battery the more
energy was lost. With multimeters you can also test if objects are conductors (a conductor is an
object that can let energy through it easily) or not. To do this experiment we went around the
classroom and tested things like the sinks, desk, chairs, the floor, pencil erasers, and other
objects. The things that were conductors were a desk, the sink knobs, the metal on pencil
erasers, and the coolest one led. The pencil led was only able to conduct electricity when it was
in the pencils, or when we write our names thick and the letters are connected. In my opinion
this was the best meeting we have ever had and our other officers Fenix McAnally, Turnem
McGee, and Evvie Powell. A big thanks to Cole’s Hardware for donating seven-hundred
dollars in multimeters for the Science Club members to keep. If you want to know more about
this science club go to HicoScience.com.
By Vice President Eli Wade
As you probably already know, the fifth graders at Hico Elementary School have a
science club where we have done an egg launch and built bristle bots. This time we
experimented with multimeters and saw how a nine volt battery loses energy when powering a
light bulb, fan, and buzzer. At the start we figured out that nine volt batteries start off with 9.80 to
9.70 volts in them. The longer we had the light bulb, fan, and buzzer on the battery the more
energy was lost. With multimeters you can also test if objects are conductors (a conductor is an
object that can let energy through it easily) or not. To do this experiment we went around the
classroom and tested things like the sinks, desk, chairs, the floor, pencil erasers, and other
objects. The things that were conductors were a desk, the sink knobs, the metal on pencil
erasers, and the coolest one led. The pencil led was only able to conduct electricity when it was
in the pencils, or when we write our names thick and the letters are connected. In my opinion
this was the best meeting we have ever had and our other officers Fenix McAnally, Turnem
McGee, and Evvie Powell. A big thanks to Cole’s Hardware for donating seven-hundred
dollars in multimeters for the Science Club members to keep. If you want to know more about
this science club go to HicoScience.com.
By Fenix McAnally, President
For this month’s activity, our Science Club members created a little robot called a
bristle bot. These were very cool to make and we had a blast with building and playing
with them! We used a lot of cool things to build these little robots like the tip of a
toothbrush with the bristles, googly eyes, and a very tiny battery. We have also learned
about how circuits work in our science class with Mrs. Weatherley. We learned that
you need to have a closed circuit and if it’s open the electricity won't be able to flow
through. I forgot to tell you about our very own Photographer Evvie Powell. She has
been awesome at taking silly pictures of our science projects and the kids, and we can
never forget about the Vice President Eli Wade. He did an outstanding job with the
last article. We also have Turnem McGee, he takes attendance and he is very good at
it. He just blows right through it so we can jump right into our project. We are very
excited for our next meeting and we can’t wait to see what Mrs. Weatherley and Mr.
Gentner have planned for us.
For this month’s activity, our Science Club members created a little robot called a
bristle bot. These were very cool to make and we had a blast with building and playing
with them! We used a lot of cool things to build these little robots like the tip of a
toothbrush with the bristles, googly eyes, and a very tiny battery. We have also learned
about how circuits work in our science class with Mrs. Weatherley. We learned that
you need to have a closed circuit and if it’s open the electricity won't be able to flow
through. I forgot to tell you about our very own Photographer Evvie Powell. She has
been awesome at taking silly pictures of our science projects and the kids, and we can
never forget about the Vice President Eli Wade. He did an outstanding job with the
last article. We also have Turnem McGee, he takes attendance and he is very good at
it. He just blows right through it so we can jump right into our project. We are very
excited for our next meeting and we can’t wait to see what Mrs. Weatherley and Mr.
Gentner have planned for us.
Science Club meeting 2 Egg Launch
By Eli Wade
The 5th Grade Science Club met on Thursday, October 20th to build contraptions to protect our
soldiers aka egg. In this meeting, we were split into seven groups and each had an egg with
limited supplies like a plastic cup, 5 rubber bands, card stock, string, two smaller cups, tape and
a coffee strainer. We had about an hour to build our contraptions and shoot them out a hairspray
cannon. I was in group one and our group was named “Scrambled Eggs.” We built our
contraption with a parachute, and our egg had one big crack around the bottom. Group number
two also went with a parachute and their group was named “Lucky Red Soldier,” however they
weren’t so lucky as their soldier was destroyed when launched. The third group was named
“The King.” They too had a parachute, but their soldier survived with a tiny crack. Group four’s
“Little Einstein“ only had a bad cut. For now I am going to skip the fifth group, for a good reason.
The sixth group was called “Egg Sundie,“ who survived with minor damage. The seventh group
was called ‘’ Ariel Trooper,” and just like everyone else it had a parachute, but it survived with a
big crack like group one. The reason I skipped group number five is because they were the only
group who survived, and their group name was “The Unbroken Kids.“ They too had a parachute.
If you want to know more about our science club and to see a video of the egg cannon, go to Hicoscience.com.
The 5th Grade Science Club met on Thursday, October 20th to build contraptions to protect our
soldiers aka egg. In this meeting, we were split into seven groups and each had an egg with
limited supplies like a plastic cup, 5 rubber bands, card stock, string, two smaller cups, tape and
a coffee strainer. We had about an hour to build our contraptions and shoot them out a hairspray
cannon. I was in group one and our group was named “Scrambled Eggs.” We built our
contraption with a parachute, and our egg had one big crack around the bottom. Group number
two also went with a parachute and their group was named “Lucky Red Soldier,” however they
weren’t so lucky as their soldier was destroyed when launched. The third group was named
“The King.” They too had a parachute, but their soldier survived with a tiny crack. Group four’s
“Little Einstein“ only had a bad cut. For now I am going to skip the fifth group, for a good reason.
The sixth group was called “Egg Sundie,“ who survived with minor damage. The seventh group
was called ‘’ Ariel Trooper,” and just like everyone else it had a parachute, but it survived with a
big crack like group one. The reason I skipped group number five is because they were the only
group who survived, and their group name was “The Unbroken Kids.“ They too had a parachute.
If you want to know more about our science club and to see a video of the egg cannon, go to Hicoscience.com.
We had our first meeting!
2022-2023 5th Grade Science Club!!!!
By: President Fenix McAnally
The 5th grade Science Club met on Thursday, September 15th for our first meeting. We elected
our officers and they are: Fenix McAnally - President, Eli Wade - Vice President, Evvie Powell -
Director of Communications, and of course Turnem McGee - Secretary. We also voted for our
shirt color, as we all know is red, and I really like that we chose red because it will bring off that
Hico vibe. We are still working on our club name and slogan which will help us come up with a
design for our shirt, but with 40+ members, we have so many great ideas to choose from and
we wish we could use them all, but we can only pick one. Alright now for the calendar of
activities, we have a bunch of activities that Mr. Gentner and Mrs. Weatherley would like for us
to experience, but we only have a limited amount of months to do all of them. We’re not going
to be able to do all of them, but we're still going to have fun with all the other activities we get to
do. This is very exciting I know, and I can’t wait for all the memories we will make in our very
own science club. We are going to have so much fun! I am very excited to see what we do this
year, and what awaits as we see what we can create so many different things for our class and I
am so very excited but you need a few things to do this.